Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Yes, me in red high heels sitting at my desk! So I paused and asked myself, "what am I doing?"

I had to take a 'wtf' break; I needed to take some time and figure out what was making me so unsuccessful.

 I started reading Rachel Hollis and others like Jack Canfield, Danielle LaPorte, and Ali Brown and signed up for a business webinar. 

Drowning in inspiration and advice, my "ah ha" moment, or what I call my "holy crap" moment, started to come clear to me. Not that I did not know this already, that I lacked self-confidence, that I sabotaged everything with my fears, this was not new to me, but the fact that I was waiting for something to change it was.

 Not sure if I was waiting for a lightning bolt to jolt my life into a new direction, but whatever I was waiting for was not going to appear, especially with me shutting the door on change every time it occurred.

I took time to reflect and stood back from it all before the pieces started coming together. Now in no way am I where I want to be, but the door is open for new and exciting things to enter my life.

One thing that holds me back is the lack of self-confidence; it is more an ingrained negative self-perception that most likely has some deep seeded root that someday will surface.

The first thing that sparked was when I was listening to an interview that led to the question: 'When was the last time you felt terrific? My answer was.......

First, I wouldn't say I like shoes and shopping, and I often wonder if I am another breed of woman. I like simple, or at least that is what I thought before. Friends had invited us out for an evening of dancing at a club. You see high heels on women always; it is expected, but not for this chick. My friend convinced me I needed to let loose, have some fun, get dressed up, and go all out. So we went shopping, and I purchased high heels.

Totally out of my comfort zone, I turned heads, attention was on me, and I survived. My feet hurt like hell, but I ROCKED.

The second "holy crap" moment came when reading Donald Trump's "Think like a Champion," where the first sentence of a paragraph hit me like a brick. "Your higher self is in direct opposition to your comfort zone" My comfort zone has weighed me down to the point that I become complacent, and as harsh as it seems, I became useless. I was, on the whole, the useless component of making my dreams a reality. As corny as it is, "my higher self was in high heels," Comfort be damned.

My comfort zone was the 'invisible me' blending into my surroundings.

The red shoes remind me that I look fantastic, feel powerful, accomplish goals, and ROCK outside my comfort zone.

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