Tuesday, February 18, 2025

My Pieces

The pieces on the ground lay in front of me

Please do not attempt to hand them to me

Let me gather them when I am ready

Don't give up on me just yet

I will try to sort the pieces in time

Do not sweep them up, hide them, or dispose of them

The mess is mine, I own the pieces before me

I have the strength to build from these very pieces

If time runs out, if the clock even stops, I will do this

Make better pieces from the pieces in front of me on the ground

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

In The Clearing

It opened a space within the vast darkness

It spread apart the confusion in the dream

It crawled between the barriers in the daylight

Here it has cleared the way.

It confirmed the intuition in the waves of thought

It embraced the powers in the confident moments

It allowed the peaceful presence of internal heaven

Here it has cleared the way

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

I fell into peace


My mind cleared and opened up

My senses rose to new heights

My understanding formed trueness

My breath swept away clouds

My touch embraced the newness

My spirit strengthened into vastness

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

She Catches Butterflies

Her wonder is compared to an adventurous child. 

Tiptoes among the young and old.

She sees the vastness of pain and reason. 

Chasing butterflies for answers among the endless winds. 

She stops at the edge, terrified to take the leap. 

Working hard to catch up to her passions. 

In dreams, she catches butterflies until her reality allows her to take flight.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Pieces of the past and present

The atmosphere vibrated with silent welcomes

Welcome back; it has been a while. 

Pieces were left here in the unspoken agreement of the past.

The pull of knowing without knowing it.

The present, the here and the now

Colliding with the past and pieces left behind.

The atmosphere became visible

The pieces are now put back together

Thursday, June 27, 2024



My voice is frozen in time, going in reverse.

The door is open, but I cannot see it.

This heaviness within my mind spins me.


My sight is blurred. going inward.

The ground feels uneven and untrustworthy

This thickness within my thoughts stalls me.


My hearing is clouded, filtered from the truth.

The path is long and winding around doubt.

The silence cries in uncomprehension.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Questions for the Moon

Why now is my mind full of wonder? How does it come to be?

Where are my settings to fix? How do I understand? 

Am I just to stand in faith with no questions answered? 

It feels heavy today. the air surrounds with swirling intrigue.

Why now do I rest easy in resolving myself?; feeling a sense of me.

Why now, Moon? Why am I to follow in trusting this completely?

How does it come to be that I have no doubt in something so uncertain?

Blindly, I seek answers but utterly believe in the crazy unbelievable.

What now. Moon?

My Pieces

The pieces on the ground lay in front of me Please do not attempt to hand them to me Let me gather them when I am ready Don't give up on...