Thursday, December 14, 2023

I Will Be In OZ!

Ever have one of those days where you wish that damn tornado would come and take you to OZ!

I would even wear those tacky red ruby slippers if I had to.
I can’t sing, but there has to be a recording somewhere I can lip-sync, too.
I would follow the yellow brick road, and if the crazy lion, straw man, and tin man want to come, they better keep their distance. I have enough crazy shit in my life and don’t need their problems.
The wicked witch would totally meet her match, and I am not afraid of flying monkeys, I have 3 kids, so try dealing with them for a week.
So bring it on!
When entering the emerald city, that large castle thing with all the strange people about-- somewhat like a mall in the city—I will not be looking for the green head that has the wisdom, or the little man behind the curtain. I will look for the spa, deli, and better-looking shoes.
When I am finished and had my fill of strange but far away-from-reality break from my life, I will return on a broomstick, chanting.
“I am ready to come home.”

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