
Showing posts from November, 2023

A stolen time

  Under the lamp post, across the street, so close and far away. Nowhere is safe, and suspicion can leave toxic marks under the skin. Fingertips bleed with wanting the space to be shared. Encased in a deep breath, terrified to let it go, it will disappear. Tears choke up inside, causing the falling of faith. No answers at present, but allowed to stop for a moment. It was just a stolen moment.

Exist, the Shadows

There is a shadow of myself; it plays in the wind, dances in the sun, and dreams of heaven on earth. It will stand the test of all time, with the storms and rainbows that enter our space. It will seek completion and hold out its hand to enter the world. Unable to separate the dark from the light, no obstacles stand between reality and fantasy. Enter the shadow of parallel proportion. Instant attraction and consummation take the shadow of souls to a beginning. In the race of fulfillment, the clouds come and go, the rain dances in and out, and the shadows breathe as one. Enter into intermission. A vow already written by the shelter allows a union and the shadows are released to exist as one.

Trying To Escape

When the doors open, Open to Darkness Open to Emptiness Open to Sadness Open to a Storm Open to Nothingness

Where Is Your Monkey Man?

Here and there you will see the shadows of the monkey man, strange but true. So why do I laugh so hard at the thoughts of a stoned monkey man? Not a nightmare, nor a dream, but the thoughts of crazy, unleashed foolishness, and the laughter of a young time. It does not cure but stands out alone, as a medicine of the years, erasing the aged wears of responsibility. So in the shadows, there is a stoned monkey man, because it makes us laugh at the absurd and trifle moments of true self. The world will not make sense; we can try, and we will try very hard. You just cannot continue without the sound of hysterical laughter aimed at the strange and very meaningless thoughts of a stoned monkey man. Twisted? Maybe! But when you find your funny thoughts and they make you smile over and over again, do not let them go!